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Edinburgh TV Unfestival 2007


Collision of TV, Internet, Mobile, Media - New, Old, Future

What is it?


Edinburgh TV Un-Festival 2007: This year the MGEITF (Media Guardian International TV Festival) has spawned its own fringe event, the TV Un-Festival. This day-long event which takes place on Saturday 25 August will centre around the clash of the well established TV world and the constantly accelerating Internet world using the unusual un-conference format, where the cost of entry is participation.


The highlights from the TV Un-Festival will be presented at this special event, giving everyone a chance to speculate on the future of TV, online entertainment and cross platform narratives.


This year the TV Un-Festivial hosted by Backstage.bbc.co.uk and guided along by the fabulous Suw Charman, aims to explorer the clash with in a series of free formed sessions similar to BarCamp known as unconference style. Everyone will be able to participate by using one of the free 30 minute slots which will be available.


We're getting together a real solid line up of people including people from Joost, Microsoft, BT, BBC, Google, etc. But we're also inviting some of the people from the darker areas of online TV like the guys behind some of the cleverest p2p sites online today. We're also inviting you - the passionate geek, media/net/culture professional.


The collision of technologies means a collision of cultures - expect to meet those like you, and nothing like you. Media for sit back, lean forward or run around ? This is the place to discuss ideas, share technologies, start larger debates, forge alliances and futures. 


There are many questions that arise from the collision of TV, Internet, Mobile, and the wide variety of media, new, old, future. This is the place to discuss these questions, explore what is happening today at the fringes, and to bring it together, celebrate differences and move forward in a headlong rush.


Party sat night (wiki updated!)


Saturday Night Party at The George

Saturday 25 August 2007, 21:30 - late

The George Hotel, 19 - 21 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PB   


See MGEITF site http://www.mgeitf.co.uk/programme/social/ for the real deal...



Be Prepared to Participate (Demo, Speak, Make,...)


The unfestival is an unconference which means YOU, the attendees are the heroes who push this forward. The more you put in, the more you get out. Be prepared to run a session, ask a thorny question, discuss your passion, show or question new technologies.


You might not have all the right answers, but you may have the right questions. You might think you have the answers, but do you have the technology? If you have the technology, is it ethical to use that technology? You may have a good technology, but sharing with others we may all gain something great. You might think something is misguided so this is where you can make a positive suggestion of how to move forward.





You! First, register your attendance on event wax.  Once you've done that, add yourself the list of UnfestAttendees.



What's the schedule?


It's created by you, the attendees, on the day. You'll bring your ideas and burning passions with you, as will others, and build the agenda on the day. It's done using a technique called open space technology. The short version though: Be prepared to run a session about something you're passionate about - what's on your mind.


Wireless on the day


Wireless is provided by Accessing EdLAN via Wireless. Generally the wireless will be free for all, but will be provided through webpage authentication. So it maybe difficult providing access to devices which do not allow for web browsing.





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Comments (4)

Anonymous said

at 9:51 am on Aug 14, 2007

Might it be an idea to clear things up a little by moving the list of attendees to the UnfestAttendees page, given it seems people (including myself) have got the wrong gist about where to pop their names?

Anonymous said

at 11:38 am on Aug 16, 2007

Sure, its a wiki you should just do it. But I'll do it now

Michela Ledwidge said

at 2:46 pm on Aug 24, 2007

Would anyone be able to lend me the use of a laptop for a session? I've got an arm in a cast and I'm also quite lazy.

All I'd be doing is browsing the web and showing a video or two.

Anonymous said

at 7:59 am on Aug 29, 2007

Thanks for a great event. I hope we can built on it next year.

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