Page history
last edited
by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago
List of attendees by first name order. Describe yourself!
- Abigail Dankwa
- Adriaan Verstijnen
- Alastair Adair
- Alexander G. de Bikuna
- Alexandra Illes
- Alex de Jong
- Ali Craigmile
- Anders Jedenfors
- Andy Smith
- Andy West
- Angela Mathis
- Anna Clayton
- Ashok Argent-Katwala
- Ben McNeill
- Brian Butterworth
- Caroline Baird
- Chris Jackson - London - Entrepreneur and consultant - making TV a social experience again, simplifying Tv over the Internet, metadata standards, set top box UI
- Clotilde Redfern
- Cyrille Mathis
- Dan Winterstein
- Dana Dajani
- Dave Crossland
- David Squire
- Dean Whitbread
- Diana Cuadros
- Douglas Dougan
- Douglas Fraser
- Doug Wright
- Eddy Bett
- Eddie Tulasiewicz
- Ewan Spence - www.ewanspence.com - The Podcast Network - www.blognation.com. Three years in media production online, alongside freelance writing, programming and evangelism roles.
- Eric Robinson
- Fearghas McKay
- Fraser Nevett
- Frances O'Neill
- Gareth Klose
- Gareth Smith
- Gary Beadle
- Gavin Starks (apologies, last minute family commitments meant I couldn't make it. http://www.dgen.net/blog/ )
- George Cathro
- George Wright
- Glyn Wintle
- Graeme West (Spoken Word Services @ Glasgow Caledonian University --> BBC archives material & metadata online for teaching)
- Gregor Gimmy
- Hannu Rajaniemi - ThinkTank Mathematics, tech consultant, mathematician-for-hire, writer; pervasive games, futurism, science fiction.
- Herman Caeyers
- Hugh Hancock
- Ian Clarke
- Ian Forrester - BBC Backstage
- Iain McGuinness (Managing Director), AND / OR PRODUCTIONS™ and Clyde Internet Media Ltd.
- Ian Smith
- Jacqueline Kollepen
- Janie Mehew
- John Sutherland
- Jonathan Sanderson - Blog - SciCast (keywords: kids, video, creative commons, science, education, entertainment)
- Jonathan Tweed
- Jordan Hatcher
- Jose-Carlos Mariategui
- JP Rangaswami
- Julie Carver
- Julie McIntosh
- Kate Farrell
- Katherine Ryan
- Kerry Howard
- Mark Antonello
- Mark Rock
- Martin Deutsch - London - trainee broadcast engineer - involved an in an awful lot of linear telly, curmudgeonly enough to still like watching things on the big box in the living room.
- Matthew Cashmore - London - ....
- Matt Haynes
- Matt Jones
- Matt Riggott
- Michael Colman
- Michael Oxley
- Michael Sparks - Manchester - BBC Research, National Open Centre - open source, python, software engineering, innovation processes, abstract painting, amateur dramatics, Kamaelia project lead, scifi as reality, visual programming, software as lego, concurrency, online delivery, software as a cultural enabler, participatory systems, ergonomic sourcecode, chocolate
- Michela Ledwidge - SydneyLondon - thequality.com, MOD Films - systems architecture, film-making, media production pipelines and distribution, cultcha
- Mirona Iliescu - Bucharest/ London - Freelance consultant, Owner of Artemis, catching stories
- Monique Coorey
- Moss Barclay
- OSCAR van Heek
- nerea tobarra
- Nico Macdonald | Spy - London - writer and consultant on media and innovation
- Nicolas Flores
- Omer Shaikh
- Otu Ekanem
- Otto Wüst
- Paul Cleghorn
- Paul MacDonald
- Paula Le Dieu
- pete vilk
- Philip Hunt - open source, open standards, Python, cryptography, digital rights
- philip jay
- Rachel Clarke
- Rebecca Day
- Rosie Brown
- Roxana Pope
- Sam Halliday
- Sam Machin
- Sam Michel - Chinwag, Chinwag Live, Chinwag Jobs and moderator of the uk-webtv email discussion list. subscribe here.
- Sami Ali Adib
- Sarah Rose Lapham
- steven braxton
- Steve Jolly - London - BBC Research - well-written software, digital television, new TV standards, open source, open standards, pie, cool new stuff
- Stewart Griffin - Dundee - Level 9 Productions - Indie film and TV, internet video, viral marketing, music, science fiction, low budget filmmaking
- Susan Turnbull
- Susan Wright
- Systa Mogensen
- Tamarin Botha
- Tim Cowlishaw
- Wade McElwain
- Wendy Robertson
- Werner Ramaekers
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